
More data visualisations

Hi there,

We would like to suggest a few data viz enhancements:

1) It would be great to be able to create charts that compare filters, e.g. a single sentiment line chart that overlays 5 different cluster groups (or other filtered sets) - at the moment it is hard work to compare different filters/clusters in the same viz.

2) In the clusters area, it would be great if there was more customizability for charts (e.g. show %s on bar charts, make columns wider, etc)

3) In the clusters area again: could we have some more chart options, especially bars and stacked bars, and maybe bubbles, radars, etc.

4) And clusters again, could we have the option to build a multi-cluster/filter comparison (similar to the point 1), above) where we could have a single stacked bar chart that showed, e.g. seven brands (rows/bars) and their relative mentions of seven key words (coloured bar segments).

I've written this all a bit fast due to a lack of time but would be happy to discuss!


  • Guest
  • Mar 20 2019
  • Mar 22, 2019

    Admin response

    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for submitting these ideas. You raise some interesting points!

    We are currently working on our new Auto Reports feature, (which affects clusters) and would love to incorporate some of this feedback, so I will rasie this with our dev team.

    I will reach out if I have any more qestions.



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