
Sentiment Breakdown - stacked bar chart view

I want to be able to see clearly how each of my competitors are being discussed. At the moment, I can make a stacked bar chart to do that, but the size of each bar is being triggered by the volume of mentions, making comparison a little harder. I propose that the bars remain the same size, and the breakdown of each bar is triggered by what percentage of the overall chatter is positive/negative/neutral.

I've attached a view of how I can currently build out this sentiment breakdown, versus what I'm actually after!

  • Guest
  • Aug 14 2024
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Linda Maruta commented
    14 Aug 11:52am

    Hi Riven, thanks for the suggestion, we can certainly look into this. I'll add this feedback to the backlog for consideration.

