
Text alerts for key word alerts and volume

As well as email alerts for search volume/usage and for key words, especially those around potential incidents or crises, it would be great to have text alerts as an option as well as email alerts - particularly for evenings, weekends or holidays when things could easily be missed.

  • Guest
  • Jan 7 2022
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Linda Maruta commented
    February 04, 2022 13:57

    Gotcha, thanks Nicole. I've added this to the future backlog for consideration.


  • Guest commented
    January 20, 2022 16:11

    This is so that a client does not miss an important volume/topic while the team is away from emails. Christmas + holidays. E.g.

    An influencer they were working was outed as a racist and the brand was attacked on social, which had potential to be very damaging for brand reputation. This happened over the Christmas period so was missed because people weren't on their email. It raised a big need internally for closer monitoring for brand reputation and data management, and would mean that the client would have a bigger reliance as whole business on Pulsar if this was implemented.