
Add search setup operators to collect replies and retweets of a parent posts in X (makes use of existing enterprise operators)

Amongst the research team we’ve experienced a frequent need to pull in replies and retweets to a specific X posts. Doing this manually is less accurate and cumbersome, particularly for replies. It appears that the X api offers operators to easily query for this specific data ie:

“Example Query”: ((retweets_of_status_id: ID_of_Parent_Tweet) OR (in_reply_to_status_id:ID_of_Parent_Tweet)) (is:retweet OR is:reply)

  • Guest
  • Mar 14 2024
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    2 Oct, 2024 04:54pm

    This is also very relevant for my team. A huge amount of conversation around given topics / brands happens in replies, and most of these replies will not actually mention the topics or brands. This is a necessary feature to make Trac useful.