
Monitoring Crisis Comms with more the frequent alerts

Hello Support Team,

In talking with Casey (copied) at Swanson Russell, one of the things that they use the alert system for is monitoring crisis so that they can pull ads from rotation, if needed. For example, they don't want their ads served alongside mass shooting stories when the news breaks.

They have set up a monitor to alert on spikes in volume of conversation, but with the hourly alerts, sometimes this is too late. When there was a mass shooting in the US the other day, the system didn't alert them, but they saw it through their friends sharing the live news in their social feeds. Is there anyway to make the alerts more frequent - to perhaps check every 15 minutes?

Would love your thoughts.

  • Guest
  • Jul 12 2018
  • Dec 10, 2018

    Admin response

    Thanks Erin,

    Whilst at the moment we have no immediate plans to review the alerts system, we will look into the feasibility of this and i'll keep you posted. 



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