
Digest Alert Changes & Additional Metrics

A few 'wish list' items to help make the alerts easier to read and be more useful as a summary.

Summary at the top of the alert - A preferred option would be to have the same metrics as appears in the Key Numbers chart, on Overview - Mentions. Instead of posts, impressions, top site, top country, top author - change to posts, engagements, impressions, sentiment and emotions. General feedback has been that top site isn't as useful as a sentiment score would be.

Directional Indicators - a comparison/uplift metric to the previous day, week, month so clients can quickly understand if this is a good/bad day in comparison from the previous period.

eg. where it says the total coverage figure, having a % change beneath/beside it

Top Authors - preferable would be clickable and link to that author to make it simpler to find them within the platform. Currently, its not simple to locate the author, especially if it is a news outlet.

Metrics for each post - having metrics added below each post so we can understand the ranking (as its not clear it is ranked at the moment), this could be sentiment score, number of shares etc depending on the metric selected.,

Post ABC - text text text
Sentiment +12, Visability Score 14, Shares 6

Language / Country

Remove black boxes - The black boxes around the country and language indicators make the formatting hard to read, it would be good to have these blank so it looks better in the inbox and is easier to read.

  • Guest
  • Aug 11 2021
  • Planned
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