
Search Email Alerts with "new" posts only that have caused the trigger & not top posts overall

Hi Guys,

It would be great to adjust the email alerts to show only fresh/new posts that have caused the search email alerts to be triggered.


For example:

Hourly email alerts - Strike action or crisis managements. Volume increase by %

Currently showing:

Every time it seems to show ‘top posts’ which are not from the increase and reporting an increase in the past hour but the examples given are from the day before or any previous days in the dataset.

Can we get the alert emails to display the ‘new’ content?

  • Guest
  • Feb 16 2018
  • Shipped
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  • Admin
    Linda Maruta commented
    April 11, 2018 10:07

    Hi Sophie,

    We've made the necessary changes to the email alerts and we are testing this on Staging, scheduled for deploy April 16th.



  • Admin
    Linda Maruta commented
    February 19, 2018 17:59

    Hi Sophie,

    This is on the roadmap and we will update the email, the copy, the sample posts and enable a click through to results.  ETA March 2018.

