
Curated News sent to users emails - using the shortlists feature

I would love if I was able to send my shortlist directly to users emails like the daily digest and alert emails.

I'm currently using the shortlist feature to produce a curated daily news review. But because the coverage report can only be exported as a PDF, I end up having to manually copy/past the links to send in an email, that people can quickly read through and click on the articles.

So I dont need any metrics or charts, just the links I shortlisted with the teaser under, exactly like how it is for the daily digest/alerts.

  • Guest
  • Feb 27 2024
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Linda Maruta commented
    04 Mar 16:28

    Hi there!

    Thank you for your submission. Instant share from the Feed or from the Shortlist is currently on our product backlog for consideration, and we will reach out when this is available in the platform.
